Therapists and Friends

Top Five Things Your Therapist Can Give You, But Probably Not Your Friends
- Education on different topics relevant to you. “Homework,” when appropriate.
- A diagnosis and information about what it means.
- Attention completely focused on you at a time set aside for you each week.
- Tissues. (OK, your friends can give you tissues, but are not as prepared to offer them at any moment.)
- Strong legal and ethical commitment to confidentiality.
Top Five Things Your Friends Can Give You, But Probably Not Your Therapist
- Hugs and physical affection.
- Practical help, eg. going with you to the gym, lending you money.
- Their own stories of life experiences similar to yours.
- Alcohol, food or other things to help you escape temporarily from your worries.
- As much time as makes sense for your friendship, free of charge.
Top Five Things You Can Get From Both Therapists And Friends
- Support and validation.
- Another perspective on your troubles.
- Appreciation of your strengths.
- Someone to laugh with you and not at you.
- Constructive criticism.